an ode to Mad Max: Fury Road
split gash slit rash roadborn roadskinned witness witness
this causticvein sandpapered rawedflesh guzzoling spitfire
tantrum awaited vibrationheart sizzletongue witness me
bloodshot carvedout musclemapped aquacola quagmire
rage rage we’re muzzlespit firelungs witness me blackthumb
brakeless break less tender charcoaled teeth we unshiny
kamikrazee weepingsores halflives brokendown and chromed
V8 V8 V8 sing brothers this trembled drumbeat snapskulled
for a bulletcrowned king we’re bodywept witnesses
witness our splintermouthed longing
Carolyn Janecek is a Czech-American writer, poetry MFA candidate at Colorado State University, and assistant managing editor at Colorado Review. Carolyn’s writing has been featured in The Florida Review, Permafrost, and ellipsis… literature & art, among others.
Instagram @c.e.writespoems