Editors' Notes:
Featured Interviews:
Featured Fiction Writer: Jack Young
Featured Nonfiction Writer: John Yohe
Featured Poet: Gabrielle Grace Hogan
You Stare like an Oyster . . . | Jack Young
Biology | Sarah Brokamp
Tower Point Lookout | John Yohe
Ants | Melissa Nunez
Two Flash Essays | Lalini Shanela Ranaraja
Love Poem With Piss In It | Gabrielle Grace Hogan
Abalone | Melissa Eleftherion
Approximating Fathoms | Ceridwen Hall
Duplex With Cutting Board | Lyd Havens
The Ark Left the Shore | Eimear Laffan
Notorious B. G. G. | Layla Maher
In Winter | Jaye Nasir
Afterglow | Faye Ng Yu Ci
Aubade With Sex Chat | Nick Politan
He Fed Us As Eagles | Suzanne S. Rancourt
Erasure Poem For Forgiveness . . . | Josh Shepard
But today I am just moving | Julian Szieff
Issue 10 image credit: Atlas moth emerging from cocoon, Sachin Palkar, 2013