Hothouse | Emily Murman
Sweat, the pale glitter of putridness
in my underarms clinging to the
whorls of your ears — I say
is it summer and you say yes you say
is that the stamen and I say
yes — sometimes the sheets curl wet
like the leaves of your shameplants
shushing against our salty skin — you
poke at the soil plucking out tufts of
mold from the lips of clay pots as you
loll naked at the window, pick my
hairs from your sticky cheek or mouth
my insides pink with ants, fat clumps of
them. Tendrils suck us to dew, tack limbs
to the spiked pads of venus flytraps
come away from the snotblums and
come into bed
Emily Murman is a poet, illustrator, and educator from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. She holds a Bachelor's of Arts in Writing from Lake Forest College and graduated in 2018. Currently, she’s an MFA candidate in Poetry at National University. Emily has been published in Milk + Beans, Okay Donkey, Cease Cows, Peculiars Magazine, The Green Light, and Déraciné
Twitter: @emilymurman